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Showing posts from October, 2018

The Debate of the Decade: Should Doctors Amputate Healthy Limbs?

Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) has sparked controversy in the medical field for the past decade. When I found out about this disorder, I thought it logical to bring the issue on this blog.  ____________________________  So what is BIID? B ody Integrity Identity Disorder, also known as Amputee Identity Disorder, is a psychological disorder in which a person has a strong desire to be an amputee. In simple words, BIID is a disorder that causes those who have it to believe a part of their body does not belong to t hem. That gives them the desire to amputate that perfectly healthy limb.  The dangerous side of the issue is that people with BIID may take drastic measures to amputate their unwanted limb. And let's just say it can get unreservedly brutal. People raise up the solution as to whether doctors should perform the amputation in a safe and less brutal environment. However, any surgeon who performs an amputation on a healthy limb can undoubtedly put his/her licen