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Showing posts from July, 2019

LIFE UPDATE: What's Going On With Me?

Probably many of you are asking: what in the world has happened to me? That's a completely valid question because after all, I haven't posted in about nine months. So what actually happened in those nine months? Junior year. I know I'm probably making an excuse as to why I haven't posted in such a long time, but please hear me out. Many things happened in Junior year. For one, I was busy studying for the SAT and the ACT (if you want more information on my experience with both standardized tests, please let me know). 11th grade was also the year when I started to become more active in my school (a little too late, don't you think?). Aside from having leadership positions in National Honors Society and Math National Honors Society, I co-founded a middle school Science Club and am currently in the midst of co-founding a library at my school. Busy year, right? Now that I've read through what I wrote, I realize that I am probably making the biggest excuse in my l