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Showing posts from July, 2017

Difference Between an Orthodontist and a Dentist

I have news for you! Orthodontists and dentists are not the same. To be honest, many people believe that these two occupations are the same. So today, I will talk about the differences between these two occupations.  Orthodontists and dentists are both responsible for helping people improve their oral health. But they do so in different ways.  Dentistry is a broad specialty that focuses on dealing with the teeth, gums, the jaw and nerves. Dentists deal with problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, etc. They preform root canals, teeth whitening, tooth filling, crowning, etc.  On the contrary, orthodontics is a narrow specialty that focuses on helping patients deal with their teeth alignment, and improving their bite. Unlike dentists, orthodontists must have an additional three years of schooling. They deal with problems such as overbites and underbites, crowded and misaligned teeth. They put on braces, retainers, and wires. Kudos to my sister for suggesting this! If you wan

Acute Subdural Hematoma Surgery

source Welcome back to my blog! For today's post, I decided to do something a little different. I want to put up a Youtube video of a brain surgery that I enjoyed watching. The patient is an 83 year old woman who fell down and injured her head.  This injury had given her acute subdural hematoma. Acute subdural hematoma (SDH), is usually caused by a head injury from a fall, an assault or a motor vehicle collision. SDH is a clot of blood that is formed between the dura mater (the brain's tough outer covering) and the brain. This blood clot is formed due to the stretching and tearing of veins on the brain's surface. These veins rupture when a head injury shakes and jolts the brain.  This surgery is done by a brain surgeon who will cut open the patient's head and remove the blood clot.  ** WARNING: Do not watch this video if you are squeamish at the sight of blood!!! ** If you are not squeamish at the sight of blood, sit back, relax and learn something n

Medical Career of the Day: Orthopedic Surgeon

Hey guys! Long time no see! I am truly glad that I  finally  have the time to write a new post. It has really been a while since I wrote my last post. (If you haven't read it yet, check it out!) I decided that I will start a miniseries on different medical professions. The profession I'd like to talk about today is an orthopedic surgeon.  ________________________________________________ What is an Orthopedic Surgeon? An orthopedic surgeon is a doctor responsible for diagnosing, treating, preventing and rehabilitating disorders, injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal   system.  They deal with problems such as arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, scoliosis, etc.  ________________________________________________ Educational Requirements ~In order to enter medical school, orthopedic surgeons must take some undergraduate studies in physics, chemistry, mathematics & biology.  ~During medical school, they take advanced courses in biochemistry, pharmacology, a

Advance Your College Resume: Become a Junior Volunteer

Two posts ago, I talked about a way to advance your college resume by starting a high school pre-med club. But for those of you who may think it a little too hard to create a club, or for those who already have a pre-med club at their high school, I have another solution: Become a Junior Volunteer at a local hospital!  ________________________________________________ What is a junior volunteer? Basically, a junior volunteer is a youth (over 14 years of age) who provides service and assistance in a hospital.  ________________________________________________ Am I Eligible to be a Junior Volunteer? In order to be a junior volunteer, you usually must be 14+ years of age. The age may vary depending on each hospital. I recommend that you check your hospital to be sure. ________________________________________________ How Can I Sign Up to be a Junior Volunteer? Signing up to be a junior volunteer is fortunately very simple: Call your local hospital and tell them that you

The Day I Wanted to Pursue a Medical Career...

Image Courtesy: Everyone has a story of the day they found out which career they wanted to pursue. Some found out the career they wanted to pursue at a young age, while others found out later. Today, I'm going to share my story of how I found out that I wanted to have a career in medicine... As a young girl, I dreamed of having different jobs. I wanted to be a chef, an inventor, a missionary, a pastor, an artist, a teacher... the list went on!!! But as I got older, I found out that I didn't want to pursue most of the careers I dreamed of having as a young girl.  During 8th grade, while we were taking Physical Science, I decided that I wanted to become a physicist. I did like physical science (especially when we learned about space and the theories of time travelling), but I had a weird feeling that I didn't really want to be a physicist.  When I

Advance Your College Resume: Start a High School Pre-Med Club

Image Credit: Is there anyone out there like me who would do just about anything to advance their college resume? Well, this post is perfect for anyone who wishes to pursue a career in medicine and wants to advance their college resume. A pre-med club is a perfect way to do so. As for me, someone in my high school stole the idea so therefore I just became a loyal member. Fortunately, for those of you whose high school does not have a pre-med club, I advise you to START ONE!!! _______________________________________ But What is a Pre-Med Club? Basically, a high school pre-med club is a club where students hoping to pursue any career in medicine discuss medical topics and do activities that will expand their knowledge in medicine and prepare them for the medical field.  _____________________________________ Pre-Med Club Ideas: 1. Invite people who have a career in medicine to talk