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Cesarean Section

Important notice: To those of you who read my posts faithfully, I have something to tell you. If you notice, I publish my posts every four to five days. But as school is approaching, and as my schedule gets tighter I decided that I will write my posts once a week instead of every four to five days. After this post, I will start writing on Fridays. 

I'm also curious as to which type of posts you enjoy reading the most on my blog. I want to know which type of posts I should be writing more of. Therefore, I made a poll. 

Please check out the link to the poll below and vote. ↓↓↓↓

Link to poll:
Today's post is on another surgery. The surgery of the day is a C-Section. For those of you who want to be obstetricians, this post will be especially helpful. 
Image result for baby hospital bracelet

Unlike a vaginal/natural birth, a C-Section (Cesarean Section) is a surgical birth delivery that requires a surgeon to make incisions in a pregnant woman's abdominal wall and uterus. A woman who had a C-Section will have a longer recovery than a woman who had a vaginal birth. 

Reasons for a Cesarean Section may differ. Some of these reasons include:
-Health problems in the mother
-The baby's health is in danger
-Position or size of the baby
-The mother carrying more than one baby

***WARNING***: If you are squeamish at the sight of blood, do not watch this video. 


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