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To all the seniors around the world...

Congratulations! You have made it this far.

Some of you have just received your decisions, others are waiting anxiously for college decisions, and many of you are still working on your applications.

No matter which stage you are in, I wish you all the best, and I encourage you to keep on pushing on. By now, senioritis is probably kicking in -- you are not alone! Just keep pushing yourself to do your best -- you did it before and you can do it again.

The college application process is such a weird stage. At times you feel hopeful that you will get into your reach school, other times you feel like you cannot even get into a college. Surround yourselves with the right people, the people who will make you optimistic and encourage you in your endeavors. Positivity is the key, while negativity is not.

Also, I encourage you to stay off those 'Chance me' posts on Reddit or College Confidential. Reading them only makes you question your chances at getting into your dream school. They only make you lose confidence in yourself and do not benefit you at all.

Have confidence in yourself and keep on pushing on. After all, this college application will be something you will look back at in the future.

Class of 2020, where you at?!


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